Some days I think that words are going to become obsolete and we'll communicate through a series of pictures that best express our thoughts and emotions at the time via the memories and meanings read into the images, so in that spirit, here are some pictures that express 2015 to me. Plus, I didn't like any of the collages that facebook automatically generated for me.
From the rafters of the Smith Center- Chapel Hill, NC |
Night out with Leigh! -Chapel Hill, NC |
Skywatching with the planetarium at Jordan Lake- Chapel Hill, NC |
Outside the Flat Iron, after that one time I drove a moving truck to NYC. -New York, NY |
Grand Central Station- New York, NY |
Setting up the portable planetarium for shows in the NC Children's Hospital- Chapel Hill, NC |
The Old Well in particularly fine form. -Chapel Hill, NC |
The Bean with Pamela! (Okay, this might actually be 2014, but it's fantastic, so.)- Chicago, IL |
Grand Canyon, AZ |
Bryce Canyon, UT |
Anaheim, CA |
Disneyland, CA |
Angels Game with Joy!- Anaheim, CA |
Possibly the last time I was warm- Kitty Hawk, NC |
Edinburgh from Princes Street Gardens -Edinburgh, Scotland |
Salisbury Crags- Edinburgh, Scotland |
Comrie, Scotland |
View from the top of St. Paul's- London, England |
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