Tuesday, March 14, 2017

A Snow Day (Internal) Conversation

Nobody's going to notice if you don't post on time. Also, you have a lot of other work to be doing. Go do that work.

Yeah, but it's a commitment I've made to myself and with so many other promises I've made falling to the wayside, shouldn't I at least make a small effort to be the person that I want myself to be?

No one said not writing a post had anything to do with your moral character.

Yeah, but nobody didn't say it, either.

You know what does say something about your moral character? The fact that this paper that you're meant to be working on was due at noon and seven hours later, it still hasn't been turned in.

I didn't know it was due at noon! I found that out at 11:45am!

Because you didn't read the syllabus.

Because I had this professor last semester and I thought I knew what was going on and also-

Also because you were talking on facebook chat as the professor was reviewing the syllabus rather than listening?

Again, I thought I knew what was going on.

It's an easy mistake to make and it's not the end of the world.

...Notice the lack of forgiveness for being on facebook in class?

I did, actually. Let's just throw it along with all the other things that I've explained away rather than repented of. It's a big pile. What's one more item?

An item like the paper you have due tomorrow morning that you have yet to start?

That's, like, two pages. I have time. And thoughts about how it's going to go. And besides, I need a brain break. I've been up to my eyeballs in books about Charles Wesley for hours now.

You've spent more of those hours doing anything but actually researching and writing.

Time spent investing in relationships is not wasted!

Time spent investing in relationships is not wasted.

Well, ill-timed then.

God and humans do not show up according to our invented schedules.

Which implies that more time should be spent in preparation. We've known about all of these assignments since January. There's no excuse--

Yes, but there is room for self-compassion. This is not an easy time.

That's not an excuse.

Only to be kind to yourself.

It's not a kindness I feel like I've earned.

No one has. That doesn't mean it isn't necessary, especially for you.

Okay. That sounds fake, but okay.

When will you learn?


Probably after the next paper.

And the next?

And the next.

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