Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Taking a Break

In general, I want to be better at things.

Actually, that's a lie.

I want to be naturally gifted at everything I do and never have to put in the effort of practicing in order to gain skills or a higher level of competency. 

But I've been told that that's not how anything works, and so, in general, I'm willing to practice and try and try again. The wonderful thing about keeping up a regular blog is that I get plenty of practice at writing. The terrible thing about keeping up a regular blog is that I get plenty of practice at writing in the same style and with the same level of effort. I'm comfortable and conversational and I'm not exactly sure that that's what I need to be practicing. I've entrenched some habits that I've found to be a little problematic. 

Since I know that about myself, I'm going to take some time away from the blog, do some evaluating, and hopefully come back with better posts that are less "let me dump all my feelings on the internet for strangers to see" and more "let me process my feelings in a way that will hopefully allow strangers on the internet to have more empathy for others." I want to practice being more thoughtful and less reactionary and I need some space to figure out how I want to do that.

Besides, last semester was a whirlwind and I could use a little bit of breathing room. I want to stare out a couple of windows and let my mind wander for a couple of hours each week instead of slamming my fingers against the keyboard, trying to make sense of things that I should probably just sit with. It'll be good for me. 

And some space will probably be good for you too. Take the fifteen minutes each Wednesday that you might have otherwise used to read through what I write and do a little bit of staring and thinking of your own, away from the internet. Here's hoping it's a restorative break for us all. 

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